Do it for the Love Not the Likes

 Awhile ago a friend of mine was a little discouraged that one of her goals hadn't really matierialized the way she had thought. Another friend confided in me about her desire to start a YouTube channel.  Another about starting a company and asked how to get started. 
I can list countless times I have been asked advice or tips for 'starting' things.  
I may not have all the anwers in this area...
But one piece of advice unanmously came to mind in all of the above cases.
'Do it for the love, Not for the likes'
If you don't know, those are lyrics from an old reggae song(yes I miss Jamaica that much... reggae lyrics are becoming blog posts inspo)
This simple little phrase holds so much weight and has struck such a chord with me since I heard it!
This generation thrives  off 'likes' 'follows' and 'attention'. Instagram, Snap chat, Twitter, Facebook are all examples, case in point.
When it comes to starting something, whether it be to lose weight, start a new business, learn an instrument, start a ministry...ect, your core motivation must always be your deep seated love and passion for it.
Big name YouTubers will say that they started with the desire to capture memories, or they genuinely like producing content. Lucky for them it resulted in some very steep salary payouts.
When someone does what they love, they don't stop. It's not a phase, or a high. It's who they are. Often success flows organically from that.

As a pastors wife there aren't many 'likes' that come with the position. You may collect a few 'likes' at conference when your husband gives a testimony, or perhaps briefly at pastor appreciation month, but generally it's an unglorified position.
Albeit  looks 'glorfied' 'glamorous' 'appealling' Stange paradox...I digress....
I am always reminded that I am here because I love people.  I love the Ministry.  I love Jesus. I love my husband and want to support him doing the will of God.  That's what helps me press through during those 'low' like seasons! Lol
I say all this to's a new year. Instead of wasting your year doing things for the 'likes', redirect it to doing what you genuinely love!
The possibilities are endless!!


  1. 'Nuff a dem love likes, dat don't right
    Si dung and a post and a tweet whole night.....lolol...SUCCESS DON'T COME OVA NIGHT...#dweetfidilovenuhdweetfidilike

  2. Love this! Thanks for this reminder!

    1. Thanks Mama! Xoxox hope you and the little one are well!


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